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 CBFN Webinar: Chesapeake Accountability Project

 CBFN Webinar: Chesapeake Accountability Project

February 6th, 10am-11:30am

As part of the Edmund A. Stanley Jr. Heroic Future Initiative, the Town Creek Foundation awarded $3,580,000 to the Chesapeake Accountability Project (CAP) Enforcement Campaign - a multi-year coordinated campaign to reduce Bay pollution attributable to weak permitting and lack of enforcement, which by one estimate, could represent as much as 4.6 million pounds of nitrogen pollution. Their work will result in significant, measurable improvements to local and downstream water quality as well as states' permitting programs. 

CAP is comprised of the Chesapeake Legal Alliance, Center for Progressive Reform, Environmental Action Center, Environmental Integrity Project, Choose Clean Water Coalition, and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. 

Click here to register for the program by Tuesday, February 4th.