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Thank you for your interest in our upcoming programming.

All programs are open to members and non-members. Unless otherwise indicated, programs are reserved for representatives of foundations, donor advised funds, and philanthropic support organizations.

If you have any questions about whether to register for a program, please email info@chesbayfunders.org

Campfire Chat - Unpacking the Threats to Federal Funding 

March 20, 2025 | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Register Here

Member Only  Join CBFN members as we continue to work through what the cuts to federal funding mean for our region. This will be a space for funders to share what they have heard, explore how they might respond, and/or simply just listen.

What Does the Public Think? Chesapeake Bay Polling & Messaging Research

 Hosted by the Chesapeake Bay Work Group

April 2, 2025 | 1PM – 2:30PM | Register Here

In Fall 2024, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) commissioned a poll of 2,000 residents of Chesapeake Bay watershed counties in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. The project sought to better understand the public's perception of the environment and health of the Chesapeake Bay. Join CBFN's Chesapeake Bay Work Group on April 2nd, 1:00PM - 2:30PM, for a call with CBF's President & CEO, Hilary Falk, and Vice President of Communications, Rob Beach, to understand the polling results and its application to our work. 

Leaders in Environmentally Engaged Farming

A briefing with the Maryland Department of Agriculture 

April 14, 2025 | 10AM - 11AM | Register Here 

The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) is thinking holistically about how to balance the need for accelerating conservation efforts with the realities of modern farming. The agency has a long history of financial assistance through cost-share of conservation practices, driven strongly by the agricultural sector’s need to meet water quality goals. Now, looking beyond 2025 and what’s next for watershed strategies, MDA wants to incentivize all the great work being done, from climate-smart practices to improving wildlife habitat, alongside community benefits from our farm operations.
Join us on April 14th for a briefing with Maryland Department of Agriculture’s Secretary Atticks to learn about a new pilot program – Leaders in Environmentally Engaged Farming (LEEF) – a program to further encourage conservation efforts, incentivize farmers, and help farmers better tell their story of all the work they do, in a recognizable way. This will be an opportunity for funders to learn more about the program and share feedback with MDA as they work to launch LEEF.