A Layman's Overview of the Chesapeake Bay Program's Modeling Tools
September 25, 2024 | 12PM - 1PM | RSVP here
CBFN’s Chesapeake Bay Work Group is hosting Gary Shenk, of the Chesapeake Bay Program Office, on Sept. 25 at noon for a Zoom presentation on "the Bay model."
"The Bay model" is perhaps the most sophisticated restoration model in the world. In actuality, there is not one model, but several that scientists and policy makers use in Bay restoration decision-making. There has been, and there continues to be, much confusion about "the Bay model" -- i.e., what it is, its evolution, how it links to monitored results, etc.
Gary Shenk is a hydrologist with the Chesapeake Bay Program Office. His years and years of experience have focused on the development of environmental models and their application, along with monitoring analysis, to management questions. Gary will be providing a layman's overview of the current status and use of modeling in the Bay restoration efforts. Gary's formal presentation will last about a half hour, with the other half reserved for Q&A.